People Expectations

Activate a fit-for-purpose people strategy that aligns the priorities of your people and your organisation.

In order to build a rewarding employee experience, you need to understand what matters most to your people.”

Julie Bevacqua

From pains...

  • A weak employee value proposition leads to dissatisfaction and disengagement, resulting in 51% of employees leaving (LinkedIn), 79% feeling unappreciated (Leadership Freak; 6Q), and contributing to 18% lower productivity and 16% lower profitability (SHRM).

... to gains

  • A strong employee value proposition can increase the likelihood of attracting top talent by 3 times (Cornell University), reduce turnover by 87% (MIT Sloan Management Review), boost revenue growth by 2.5 times (Bain & Company), improve profitability by 21% (Gallup), and make companies 4.2 times more profitable (HR Exchange Network).

Our solutions

We tailor our solutions to meet you at various stages of your journey, starting from uncovering what matters most to your key talent to (re)defining a Work Value Proposition to attract and (re)engage them.

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