People Experience

Cultivate personalised work experiences that fulfil the needs of your people and your organisation.

“People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Dr Maya Angelou

From pains...

  • Ineffective employee experience strategies result in 70% of employees feeling disengaged at work (Gallup), 60% reporting a lack of support from their organisation (Harvard Business Review), leading to a 32% decrease in overall productivity (MIT Sloan Management Review) and a 51% increase in burnout (Forbes).

... to gains

  • Effective employee experience strategies can increase employee engagement by 22% (Bain & Company), productivity by up to 25% (PwC), organizational success rates by 30% (Bain & Company), employee retention by 2.7 times (SHRM), and customer satisfaction by 15% (Gallup).

Our solutions

We tailor our solutions to meet you at various stages of your journey, starting from shaping your People Experience strategy to conducting People Experience design sprints.

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