Crafting a Global Talent Acquisition Strategy at PharmaCorp


PeopleCentriX - PharmaCorp - Talent Acquisition Strategy

CLIENT CASE STUDY - How PeopleCentriX enabled a Pharma client to build a global talent acquisition strategy.


PharmaCorp, a global biopharmaceutical company, recognised the need to develop a comprehensive talent strategy to address the challenges of talent acquisition and support its ambitious growth agenda. With operations spanning over 50 countries, PharmaCorp sought a holistic approach to talent acquisition and desired a strategy aligned with its business strategy and objectives. To achieve these objectives, PharmaCorp partnered with PeopleCentriX.


The Challenge 

PharmaCorp faced two primary challenges that required strategic interventions:

  1. Supporting Growth with Emerging Products

    PharmaCorp's growth agenda included the development of emerging products. To drive this growth, the organisation needed to secure the necessary skills and capabilities in critical areas. However, attracting individuals with specialised skills in the competitive talent market proved to be a significant challenge.

  2. Holistic Talent Sourcing Across 50+ Countries

    With operations in over 50 countries, PharmaCorp operated with a decentralised talent acquisition function. The company recognised the need to establish a unified approach to talent acquisition that would operate consistently and effectively across diverse regions. This approach would ensure the alignment of talent acquisition efforts with PharmaCorp's mission and values.

The Solution 

To address these challenges, PharmaCorp collaborated with PeopleCentriX, to implement a comprehensive solution through the following steps:

Step 1: Voice of the Customer

An in-depth analysis was conducted by PeopleCentriX to capture PharmaCorp's talent acquisition needs and challenges. Key stakeholders, including PharmaCorp's leadership team, hiring managers, and HR representatives, were engaged to gather their insights and expectations. This process allowed for a deep understanding of PharmaCorp's unique requirements, enabling the tailoring of the talent acquisition strategy accordingly.

Step 2: Strategy Co-Creation Workshop

PeopleCentriX facilitated a two-day strategy co-creation workshop, bringing together PharmaCorp's leadership team, HR representatives, and other key stakeholders. This collaborative workshop provided a space for ideation, goal alignment, and defining the core components of the talent acquisition strategy. Following the Design Sprint Methodology, the workshop allowed the team to map out the problem, sketch competing solutions, prioritise solutions, prototype the talent acquisition strategy, and gather feedback from actual users.

Step 3: Strategy Iteration and Validation

Following the workshop, PeopleCentriX worked closely with PharmaCorp to refine and validate the talent acquisition strategy. Stakeholder feedback was incorporated, and thorough validation checks were conducted to ensure alignment with PharmaCorp's objectives and values. The iterative process, guided by PeopleCentriX's expertise, fine-tuned the strategy, ensuring its robustness and effectiveness in addressing the identified challenges.


The Value 

The implementation of the talent acquisition strategy at PharmaCorp is expected to deliver several key benefits:

  1. Business-driven Workforce Planning

    By partnering with the business in workforce planning, PharmaCorp will have the right talent to support its growth agenda, enabling the organisation to achieve its strategic objectives.

  2. Talent Attraction and Sourcing

    Becoming an employer of choice in high-priority markets and functions will ensure a robust pipeline of diverse and qualified talent, positioning PharmaCorp for sustained growth and competitiveness.

  3. Talent Assessment & Selection

    Tapping into internal and external talent pools will result in the selection of top talent with the right skills and expertise, contributing to a high-performing workforce and driving organisational success.

  4. New Hire Integration & Success

    A comprehensive onboarding process will facilitate the seamless integration of new hires, fostering their success and maximising their potential impact on PharmaCorp's performance.