Empowering AssetCorp to Activate a Talent Management Roadmap


PeopleCentriX - AssetCorp - Talent Management Strategy & Roadmap

CLIENT CASE STUDY - How PeopleCentriX empowered a banking client to activate a talent management roadmap.


AssetCorp, a leading global asset management company, recognised the need to develop and activate a pragmatic 24-month talent management roadmap to address their workforce and drive organisational success. They sought assistance in navigating talent management challenges and ensuring effective execution over an extended period.


The Challenge 

AssetCorp faced the following challenges in establishing an effective talent management roadmap:

  1. Newly Formed HR Leadership Team

    AssetCorp had a recently formed HR leadership team that required guidance in understanding the organisation's talent management needs and developing a roadmap aligned with their business objectives.

  2. Effective Prioritisation & Activation
    AssetCorp sought assistance in prioritising their talent management challenges and identifying appropriate solutions to create a roadmap. They also required support in activating their talent management roadmap.

The Solution 

Working closely with AssetCorp, PeopleCentriX provided a comprehensive solution to empower them in activating their 24-month talent management roadmap:

Step 1 - Needs Assessment and Strategy Development

PeopleCentriX conducted a needs assessment, engaging with AssetCorp's HR leadership team to gain a deep understanding of their talent management priorities and challenges. 

Step 2 - Prioritisation and Roadmap Development

PeopleCentriX facilitated focused discussions and workshops with AssetCorp's HR leadership team to identify and prioritise key actions within the talent management roadmap. This ensured that the most critical areas, such as performance management, career development, diversity and inclusion, succession planning, learning and development, and managerial capabilities, were addressed effectively over the 24-month period.

Step 3 - Activation and Implementation

PeopleCentriX provided guidance and support to AssetCorp in activating their 24-month talent management roadmap. They assisted in identifying the owners of each initiative, establishing clear timelines, and defining responsibilities. This enabled AssetCorp to effectively implement the roadmap, monitor progress, and make necessary adjustments along the way to ensure successful execution over the 24-month period.


The Value 

By partnering with PeopleCentriX and activating the pragmatic 24-month talent management roadmap, AssetCorp anticipated several significant benefits:

  1. Enhanced Talent Management Approach

    AssetCorp's HR leadership team gained a comprehensive understanding of the organisation's talent management needs and developed a roadmap that aligned with their business objectives over the 24-month period. This ensured that talent management initiatives were focused and impactful in the long term.

  2. Streamlined Execution

    With a clear 24-month roadmap and defined responsibilities, AssetCorp was able to activate their talent management initiatives efficiently and effectively. This resulted in improved coordination, resource allocation, and timely execution over the extended period.

  3. Empowered HR Leadership Team

    AssetCorp's HR leadership team gained valuable expertise and support from PeopleCentriX, empowering them to effectively activate and manage talent management initiatives over the 24-month period. This positioned them as strategic partners in driving organisational success in the long run.