Scaling the People Function to Support TechnoCorp's Growth Journey


PeopleCentriX - Scale-Up HR - TechnoCorp

CLIENT CASE STUDY - How PeopleCentriX enabled a professional services client to scale upon the people function and capabilities.


TechnoCorp, a professional services company specialising in analytics, artificial intelligence, and e-commerce, embarked on an ambitious growth trajectory, aiming to expand its workforce from 1,500 employees to 5,000 employees within a span of three years.

Recognising the critical role of the Human Resources (HR) function in managing this growth effectively, TechnoCorp partnered with PeopleCentriX to perform a comprehensive scan of their HR function.

The objectives of the scan were threefold: (1) understand the current maturity of the HR function, (2) assess the desired maturity of the HR function to align with the business strategy and objectives, and (3) develop a 12-month action plan to address high-priority areas.


The Challenge 

The rapid growth envisioned by TechnoCorp presented unique challenges for the HR function. The existing HR capabilities were not equipped to support the scale and complexity of the company's expansion. The challenge was to conduct a thorough assessment of the HR function within a tight timeframe of 8 weeks, identify gaps between the current and desired maturity levels, and devise a comprehensive action plan to bridge those gaps.


The Solution 

To address the challenge, we adopted a structured approach that involved collaboration with key stakeholders, data collection, and benchmarking against industry practices. The solution encompassed the following key steps.

Step 1 - Current State Assessment 

We conducted a comprehensive analysis of TechnoCorp's HR capabilities on the end-to-end employee lifecycle from hire to rehire. This assessment provided a clear understanding of the existing maturity level of each capability area.

Step 2 - Desired State Definition 

Working closely with TechnoCorp's leadership team, we aligned the desired maturity level of the HR capabilities with the company's business strategy and objectives. This involved envisioning an HR function that could effectively support the organisation's growth plans and create a thriving employee-centric culture.

Step 3 - Prioritisation 

Based on the current and desired states, we identified gaps in the HR function and prioritised them according to their impact on business outcomes. Three high-priority areas emerged: creating a skills-based organisation, developing a performance management framework, and establishing a robust career management framework.

Step 4 - Action Plan Development

We developed a detailed 12-month action plan, outlining specific initiatives, timelines, responsible stakeholders, and resource requirements for each priority area. The plan incorporated a phased approach, allowing for iterative improvements and measurable milestones along the way.


The Value 

Through the partnership with PeopleCentriX, TechnoCorp's HR function underwent a comprehensive scan and transformation to support the company's growth journey. By identifying key areas for improvement and implementing initiatives focused on skills-based organization, performance management, and career development, TechnoCorp has positioned itself for success. With an enhanced HR function in place, TechnoCorp is well-equipped to navigate its expansion to 5,000 employees and beyond, ensuring sustained success in the market.